Monday, July 20, 2009

bits and pieces of my heart on paper.

Things that make me happy...
-the color the sun makes when you close your eyes on a bright sunny day
-the Vegas sky
-dancing to 80's music
-real conversations
-painting from my heart
-melting crayons
-laughing uncontrollably 
-moments with strangers
-being told and actually believing i am beautiful
-that kind of music that reaches down deep and touches your soul.
-random phone calls, texts, emails, and messages have the power to turn a bad day completely around
-freeing my secrets and becoming who I am

Things that break my heart
-moving away from the few people that know me best
-unrequited love
-living in America
-the loss of a friend
-trusting to easily

Things I've learned lately
-no matter what happens in life, I will pray for tomorrow and be open for whatever the next step is.
-so many of us confuse safety with love...
-I want to live a life with meaning.
-From the moment we stood side by side and captured that moment in time, a piece of my heart fell in your hands.
-I wish that all I had to do is make art all day...
-You make your past your past.
-I love you because... you encourage me, inspire me, and challenge me to be a better person... 
-"Live because you Love, And Love will make you Give, And Give in when you break, But you just want to fix yourself Just to break again..."-Copeland (I believe, sometimes it takes completely dismantling every part in order to be fully repaired.)

A secret....

-When I meet new people, sometimes when they leave I secretly miss them.