Monday, April 20, 2009


I still want to believe love is transcendent and eternal...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

a day without shoes...

this is from April 16th for some reason it didn't publish.

today I went one day without shoes....
I've never felt so many textures...
This morning on my way to class I had to cut through a parking lot, there were thousands of small stones digging into my feet during each step i took. The first sharp rock I hit dug deeply into the ball of my foot and remained there through the next fews steps until i raised my foot to knock it out with my hand. all i could think to myself was these poor children.
but in each step i took it was lovely all the textures and different temperatures. it was like a whole new world i never even noticed. 
like a pebble stone walk way and the smoothness found on a hand laid brick path.
Most of all i loved the flower petals that had fallen from the tree over hanging the sidewalk.. they were so soft, so smooth like silk under my already worn and weary feet.
It made me sad for all those petals trampled by thousands of students enclosed feet rushing by to get to class, no one taking time to notice the velvet runner the trees had so beautifully laid down.
And the grass so green and full, i love the way it just engulfs your entire foot wrapping it up in it's comfort. 

honestly i'm thinking about not wearing shoes more often :) (check them out they are amazing and totally legit!) 

Friday, April 10, 2009

the moon...

tonight, in my bed as my eyes begin to close, 
the moon dazzles me with it's soft spoken words.
captured, i rest in it's warm embrace. 
as it's glow shines over the water's face, 
whispers of beauty and fill the air. 
as i close my eyes, and wish for there, 
if only i could believe whispers spoken
all walls fall down, my heart is open, 
unprotected, fragile, i lay here and wonder 
 as the moon drifts on... 

without hello, without goodbye, he leaves me behind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i love days that end with art

She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.

here's some art from today...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Invisible because no one will know if they live or die

ok here goes the ramblings of a restless heart!

-I don't want to sleep in my bed anymore because i know their are children i love asleep in the bush trapped and forced to fight by the demonic commands of Joseph Kony
-My stomach aches of hunger from only having one meal today but i can't bring myself to eat because i know this is how the many children i met in Uganda feel every night when they go to bed with empty stomachs.
-There are over 3,000 children that are now abducted and either forced to be child soldiers of Kony's Rebel Army or killed. Tiny children carrying guns, taught to be killers. Can you imagine!
-I can't stop crying because after months of ignoring the truth that my heart is still in Uganda I've finally accepted it, even though i'm not sure there is anything i can do about it right now.
-I want to change the world... yes, i am just a girl from tennessee but I want to make a difference for these children.. I want more than anything in my whole life for them to be rescued.
-After seeing their faces, holding their hands, and walking side by side with them I can't just give up and be content.. I must do something!
-The hardest part is letting God be in control and knowing that I am here for a reason.. and He will lead me back to Uganda when the time is right.
-Just because I'm stuck in the US doesn't mean I can't do anything.. I'm not sure how yet but I will be abducted on April 25th. I will leave my home and stay the night outside so the invisible children through our efforts will be seen.